
You can find the music I make at the usual places:

Latest Release

Listen to City Limits on Bandcamp.



A dual granular synthesizer
A screenshot of the Bascule synthesizer

Bascule is a granular synthesizer in the browser.

You can play with Bascule now and learn more about it and granular synthesis in its user guide.

Bascule is usable on small touchscreens but meant to be used on laptops and desktops.

Multilife Sampler

A sampler for Conway’s Game of Life
A screenshot of the Multilife sampler

This sampler uses the Game of Life to generate sequences. Each instrument has its own game and multiple games can be mixed together to create a full track.

This sampler is not yet available but coming soon-ish.

Toy Celesta

A Decent Sampler instrument
A screenshot of the Toy Celesta

This is a single-sample instrument using the Decent Sampler plugin. Built around a recording of a toy piano.

You can download Toy Celesta for free. You will need Decent Sampler.


I am a writer and musician based in Berlin.

If you want to reach out, you can do so via email or Instagram.